dissabte, 2 de juny del 2012

Presentació App Vic 2012

New update of Vic App. Now it's official and free at the AppStore.

Last tuesday 29th March 2012 a new update of Vic has been presented officialy at the new Vic Tourist Office. We made a news conference with councillor Vic, Anna Erra. We expose the new app and some new things for tourism.

In the new app, you can see points of interest, restaurants, hotels and the Tourist Office. Also, you can see some information about this points. You can share this informations via Social Networks or you can contact via call or mail to the restaurants or hotels. You cab find this information via List, Map or Augmented Reality. See here some screenshots:


Finally, you can see here a poster we made for them to promote the app and to inform visitors and Vic people there is an app for Vic.

Here is the video of el9nou tv and also you can see the newspaper article.


And here a photo of newspaper article.

Download it free here for iPhone and iPad!

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